XLR8 Automotive

**********TEMPORY Website while new one is being created**************


Established in 2002, XLR8-Automotive specialise in the customisation of all vehicles to suit you or your companys needs.

Performance Vehicle Preparation (Race, rally, track etc), Emergency Vehicle Conversions, Fleet Tracking, Sat Nav Installations, Hands Free kits, Reversing Cameras, Auto Electrics, Fault Diagnostics & More!  Follow us on FACEBOOK

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Image Gallery
Archive Images » Corsa Rally Car


Rally landing!
Rally landing!
corsa int 2
corsa int 2
curts rally int2
curts rally int2
Corsa engine
Corsa engine
corsa 1
corsa 1
Corsa int
Corsa int
Curts rally car int
Curts rally car int
Corsa 2
Corsa 2

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